Essex County Rabbit and Cavy Breeders
and the Topsfield Fair

On-Line Registration

You can register on-line here!

Fair Show 2024 Catalog (PDF)

Essex County Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Association Officials (2024):

President Mike Eon
Vice President Michele Hook
Treasurer Jeff Schiller
Secretary Jenn Barbaro
Directors Mary Louvaris, Sharon Casson, Betty Dowd, Ethan Downs, Nicol Waugh
Barn Superintendent Fred Gardner
Judge: TBD
Show Secretaries: Katelynn Schultz <>
Show Superintendnet: Jeff Schiller

Rules & Regulations

  1. All animals attending shows at a Massachusetts fair must have an Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (OCVI) for 2024. The Topsfield Fair is run under the auspices of Massachusetts Department of Agriculture, and this is their requirement. You can find these rules on the Topsfield Fair website under “Exhibitor’s Handbook”. It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to be in compliance, and those without OCVIs will not be admitted to the fairgrounds.

  2. You do not have to be a member of ARBA or ECRCBA in order to enter the Topsfield Fair Rabbit & Cavy Show.

  3. The show will be governed by the show rules and standard of perfection of the ARBA. Entry indicates acceptance of same. If you are unsure if your rabbit or cavy meets ARBA standards, please contact the show secretary.


  5. ABSOLUTELY NO PHONE ENTRIES. Entries with full payment must be postmarked by the closing date to be accepted, per ARBA show rule section 19. Entries not meeting this requirement will be returned. Be sure to include your telephone number with your entry.

  6. Make checks payable to the Topsfield Fair and mail with entry to the show secretary (address below).

  7. The ECRCBA will not assume responsibility for loss of or injury to exhibitors' animals. All reasonable care will be used by the association in handling animals.

  8. Judging will be done in cages made for this purpose.

  9. Sick animals will be removed from the showroom immediately.

  10. Do not ask for specific judges.

  11. The judge's decisions will be final except in cases of absolute fraud. Protests must be filed with the show superintendent within 2 hours after judging and must be accompanied be a fee of $25.00 which will be refunded if protest is sustained.

  12. This association reserves the right to appoint another judge or other judges in place of or in addition to those listed.

  13. All rabbits are to be tattooed in the left ear with legible and permanent identification. All cavies must be tagged to be shown.

  14. Ear# changes will be free for the first two changes. Each change thereafter will be $1.00. Must be same sex and variety. Scratches are non-refundable.

  15. There will be no registrar available. There is no tattooing on the fairgrounds during the fair.

  16. This is a CARRYING CASE SHOW. Carrying cages must have solid, leak-proof bottoms.

  17. All entries must be paid to the secretary before judging starts. All unshown entries will be billed by The Topsfield Fair and future entries will not be accepted until past due accounts are paid. Checks that are returned will be subject to any fees that the bank assesses, handling charges and postage. After being notified by registered mail, the checks will be turned over to local police departments and the exhibitor will not be allowed to exhibit at future shows until account is paid. NO PAYBACKS, LEGS OR POINTS will be awarded until checks have cleared the bank.

  18. There will be no grooming tables set up in the barn due to lack of available space. A grooming area will be available for anyone wishing to groom their animals.

  19. ARBA no longer requires comment cards to be filled out by the host club. Exhibitors will be expected to fill out their own comment cards. We will have a supply of comment cards available at the secretary's booth for exhibitors.

NOTE: When filling out the entry from, be sure to include the breed, variety, age, sex, and ear number of each animal.

Entries and Awards

Entry Fees

Single Rabbit $3.00
Single Cavy $3.00
Fur $2.00 extra
Meat Pen $2.00 extra
No separate youth entries (youth enter in open)
There will be no separate youth 4H show this year.

Youth may enter non-ARBA showable rabbits and cavies under “Pet Rabbit” and “Pet Cavy” and will be judged to 4H standards. “Pet” classification is for animals with disqualifying features such as mismarked or unrecognized colors, mixed breeds, etc. that make them ineligible to be judged under ARBA standards.

Send entries to:

Karen Walrath, 159 Newport St, Arlington, MA 02476


Entries can also be submitted at

Website Address:

With Payment via credit card

Sanctioned Breeds* (subject to change)

* This is an all-breed show. All ARBA recognized breeds and breeds with working standards will be judged. Sanctions are for national club sweepstakes points only. If you'd like to sponsor a breed sanction, email:


FIRST $4.00 SECOND $3.00 THIRD $2.00

The ECR & CBA offers awards to all breeds with 10 or more animals shown.

ROSETTES will be available for all BOB and BOS placements.

RIBBONS will be furnished through 5th place in all classes UPON THE REQUEST OF THE EXHIBITOR ONLY.

Rabbit and Cavy Organizations

Current National Specialty Club information can be found here:

Official Rules

Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2024 Fairs Animal Health Rules

Copyright © 2009-2023 Essex County Rabbit and Cavy Breeders